MLB Allstar Game: Where was the AL?

 Hey Athletes! Tonight was the All-star game. The game where 2 teams with the league’s best players duel. Usually All-star games are close, with the occasional offensive explosion. This one was nowhere near close. In fact, it was over when it was 1-0. The National League bats exploded in the first inning, catching Verlander off guard. He did throw 35 pitches, but 16 of them were balls. Melky Cabrera was the All-star game MVP and a performance that included a 2-run Home run in the 8-0 blowout over the American League. Here are some highlight stats from the game.


  —- ———— AB—-R—-H—-RBI—-BB—-SO———————–






  —- ———— AB—-R—-H—-RBI—-BB—-SO———————–





Congrats to Melky Cabrera for MVP and congrats to the National League for getting home-field advantage in the World Series.

Later Athletes,

ActionAllstars (2008 – 2012) R.I.P

Hey Athletes, Today is the day before USA Bday, But also a sad day for all athletes. ActionAllstars will die today, and will might no longer be with us forever. But hey, didn’t we have memories? Before I started playing Action Allstars, In 2009, I was looking for a virtual world sports game. So then I went onto just to look at whats goin on in the NBA. So then I saw the NBA game section. And there it was, Action Allstars! I remember creating an athlete called Smoove, Just the name Smoove. By the time I started, Everything was in 3D, The Characters, The Mission, Basically Everything. Plus Membership did not exist at that time. So then I did my first mission called, Save the Hot Dog stand. And I gotta say, it was an awesome mission! And so other missions came, And I had gotten alot of prizes. Well after I stop playing for just a few weeks. Action Allstars changed, Everythining was in 2D.  And that, Ladies and gentleman who are reading this dedicated post, is why people were quitting. And plus, my first account Smoove was banned from the game. So I attempted to quit. But instead, I made another athlete called “SmooveGuy6“. I thought I would never make good friends. But the first ever person that was my best friend, JJTHEBEST. Haha, we were both newbs at that time. So then few weeks later, Best had gotten MVP before I did. The Day After, I gotten it. But I did not enjoy it. After 9 days of having MVP, My account had been stolen. I am not gonna name names, But he was a good friend of mine. But now my enemy. After 3 weeks of attempting to get my account back, I finally retrieved. (If your wondering why it took me 3 weeks, Its because my email account that was signed into the registration was accidentally deleted, by me lolss) In the mean time, I had used a newb named SmooveGuy5. Then few days later, My MVP ended. After that, I made another account called “Clayton1”. I don’t know why but I just wanted a dude named Clayton. So! My mom gotten MVP for Clayton and I had a good time on him. I bought all the clothes (except the jerseys and shoes) from the MLB Store and NBA Store. And So then I met ALOT of friends. ( wish I could name them, But I don’t feel like naming 100 friends that I had), But I did meet one great friend, Coolguy174. We were awesome great friends, then one day, I discovered that cool had a blog. And So joined his blog and I became a good writer for his blog.  And then I met my current best friends, Sunsfan3, Eisner24, Dalton0521, Jok34, And Chefbahamas. Jok saw my post on cools blog. And he thought I did a great post. I was happy and surprised. And so then, Jok told me I should join the ROAA (Reporters of Action Allstars) blog. And so, Dalt told suns that I would be great for their blog. And so I asked suns. which was hard for me to do lolss. And he said “Alright”. I was super-excited until suns said “But your gonna have to quit two blogs” (Coolguy174 blog and Kool98 blog) It was a hard decision for me to make. So I sadly quit cools blog, and Join ROAA. Over the months. Many missions came, and I still had my created account “clayton1” Until one day, where I was devastated. Clayton1 was stolen. Again, I had the wrong email address of my created athlete. So RefZelda, My long-time best friend, Gotten it back for me. So when I got it back, I had to deactivate it because it would cause drama. So I went back to SmooveGuy6. Then, I noticed alot of my friends were getting mvp, including Suns, Eyes, and Jok. So one week later, I finally gotten mvp. and then one day. When I heard about someone trying to diss us. It was the one and only tea-bag, Jalentheking. He tried to tell everyone that this blog copied his. But I went onto his blog, and I dissed him back and he had nothing else to say, But he did edit my diss. which was kinda funny. Anyhoo, other bloggers tried to criticize us (again no names) But all that has ended by the time we made a truce, except with jalenthehooker. Weeks later we did a league called AAFL (Action Allstars Football League). We were the Detroit Lions and we cruised till the end of the season, We won the AAFL  Super bowl. Then we made other leagues: AABL (Action Allstars Basketball League) AAHL (Action Allstars Hockey League) AASL (Action Allstars Soccer League) and AAMLB (Action Allstars Major League Baseball). And So New Years came, Everything was cool. Till the day that changed everything! Safe-Chat took over! Everyone was so ticked off! Everyone tried to tell the Mods to take off the safe-chat but it was no use. Another weird thing happened, The MLB Store was gone. Action Allstars has lost the MLB Sponsorship Contract. Which was also a sad day for us. And now, The day that changed everyones lives, ActionAllstars Finally announced retirement. We were all shocked and confused. But we sadly and desperately accepted it. Even though it was too soon, But ActionAllstars was becoming a kids game. But we loved that game like it was part of our lives. If you read this, Thank you for being a good athlete…. And a good friend. And thank you for supporting me when I wen through bad times.

R.I.P ActionAllstars

Guess The Pro Athlete Winners!

Hey Athletes!

Shaqoneal14 here!

So..You guys ready to hear the winners of Guess The Pro Athlete!! Here you go!

The Pro athlete was:


  1. Dalton0521( he gets the sig!)
  2. Nickelodeon12(post)
  3. Conner012367(post)

Those are the winners! Dalt, you get the new free sig!


Copy that and paste it into your post!

But the other winners don’t get just nothing!

Nick and Conner, you guys get a dedicated post, I will make that as soon as I can!

Bye athletes! And stay tune for another Guess the Pro Athlete!


We will if….

Hey Athlete’s, since Action Allstars is retiring, and we can’t do TURF SPOTLIGHT, ATHLETE VERSUS, GUEST BLOGGER, MIXED ATHLETE or TURF CHALLENGE(bummer). Then I thought we could bring back the simple contests:

  • Caption That
  • Guess The Pro Athlete
  • Snapback Battle
  • What is the Ref doing?
  • Riddles Corner (By: Reporter Dalt0n521)
  • ETC.

Yea! We could bring those back! But my question was:

“What would be the winners prize?”

Thats why I want YOU to comment on THIS post and tell me what the prize should be! So get commenting because the faster you comment, the faster we get to the contests! Oh and I will count your votes, and put them in a poll, if you are too lazy to comment. But then when I put it in the poll YOU get to vote on what was your favorite prize. Then the prize that gets MORE votes, then that will be the prize YOU get if you win the contest! And I will only get the first 20 comments! YOU HEARD IT!


Ok…I think thats it!



Can you spot the difference winnas!

Hola Athletes,

SunsFan3 here with some winnas and losers. For can you spot the difference? well for those who didn’t know the answer it was there is no NBA Logo on one picture. Well that one was pretty easy but here it comes the moment of truth the 3 lucky winners listed down below.

1. Ben427 with his fifty fity vision wins himself 600 tokens as well as 3 T.Vs
2. Sal7617 with his fast commenting skills wins himself 400 tokens as well as 2 T.vs
3. Maghak3 gets the bronze and gets himself a well deserved 200 tokens and 1 T.v

Congrats to all those winnas if you wanna be a winner subscribe to our blog so you can be one of the first people to get our newest post as well as contests 

P.s More games to come!

Cya Athletes,